Help me choose my Anemone...


New Member
Hi there, Im setting up another tank. This one's gonna have a BTA as the star attraction, maybe a pair of akindynos later, when the nem has settled in well etc.

Im gonna buy the nem online (cos the LFS sells ugly brown ones for $89 a piece), i just need some advice, the site has 2 anemones for sale, ... cts_id=312

and ... ucts_id=56

I think they both look great, especially the former, due to the colouring. However, i was wondering if the first one's bleached. It does look slightly bleached out, but its tentacles look nice and healthy.

The second specimen's nice coloration is upset by the not too happy tentacles. I think the tentacles fluctuate, cos thats what happens with my current baby BTAs.

Anyway, any advice appreciated, which do ya think is a better buy?


New Member
I'd go with the first one. The second could be expelling waste, or just shrunk down. Most of mine do that from time to time. Especially when the lights are off, so they could have taken the pic just after the lights came on...Or the mouth could be gaping, which is a bad sign.



New Member
Hi guys,

Thanks for the replies, just asking, but isnt the first one bleached? Its just got the tiniest hint of green tissue, or so it seems.


New Member
It could be a natural color morph. BTAs come in a morph that's nearly white with flourescent pink or white tips.



New Member

Incysor, thats what i thought too, cos i have got two BTA babies with my rock, and they were white as snow, one had white, and the other pink/purple tips. Both had brownish columns, as the one in the photo of the one for sale is. However, despite groeing, albeit slowly, one of the two baby BTAs has started to get very slightly tinged green, lighter green than the one in the first link.

Oh well, in truth, i was edging towards the first one too :) but was just worried it was bleached.

Thanks all, i think it looks like thats what ill go with, ill try to get some (terrible) photos when ive got it.