HELP (Again) - green algae


New Member
I am just about at wits end. My tanks seems to be a disaster!
Briefly the details are:
12 gallon AquaPod started on 3/18
Filter chambers sponge/heater/2 lb live rock/pump
20 lb CaribSea Arag LS
16 lb Live Fiji rock
The water outlet came with a "Y" which I have pointing down to the
rock and up to the surface.
I may have missed the ammonia spike but all levels have been good
And still are.
Added the usual clean up crew.
Have been cleaning weekly and changing about 1 gallon during this.
The lights are on about 11 hours a day.
I have lots of green algae!!! The front glass will get completely
covered on less that a week if I let it. I also have some signs of
hair algae, but not too much.
As in my previous request for help the algae builds up on the
surface almost into a scum/skin!
The rock changes color from almost pure white, dark brown, bright green
and purple (almost at random).

How normal is all this?
Is there something I could/should do?
I could add photos if it would help?

Thanks for reading and thanks for any help.
Frustrated nano tank keeper wannabe......



New Member
Modular Surface Skimmer for Nano Cubes ... -1-C-.aspx

Get this thing!!! It really helps and uses water pressure to attach. Works great in my NC and keeps my surface cyrstal clean. Check for phosphates.

I've got a brown algae issue, so I have 15 snails on the job. Keep your lights off until you are sure you are done cycling.
Dumb Question, but you are using RO water aren't you. With my Nano, I just buy 5 gallon jugs at the Supermarket. you can mix the Salt right in there too, and reseal them.


New Member
Thanks for the reply idog...
The AquaPod comes with this type of surface skimmer designed in it.
After over 2 months even though I missed the spikes I assumed that the cycle must be completed??? Hence lights now on. All levels are good.
I buy distilled water, add the salt then aerate it for 24 hours plus before use. Perhaps I should look for RO??


New Member
I am not too knowlegable with distilled water, but I have always used RO water myself... an even better choice is RO/DI water. Also, you may want to try using Cheato in one of your back chambers... this macroalgae will compete for nutrients with the other algae, and it will win. Have you tested for phosphates? Some form of phosphate sponge/adsorber may help.


little urchin

New Member
also in the first few weeks and months algae blooms are very common, and often disappear as quickly as they appeared .....just part of the maturing it may not be anying to worry about


New Member
Thanks for the words "little urchin".
I was rather hoping that would be the case but realise that nothing is for sure in nano tanks...

I am holding off adding anything, except the clean up crew.
I know that there is no exact answer but from set up how long on average to stable environmemt? 2 months, 4months, 6 months???


New Member

Cut back on the lights! Especially when your beginning to cycle your tank to get a stable environment (all at zeros). If you have moon lights they too will affect the growth of green algae. So say 4 hours a day only when you are around the tank and want to see if anythings going on. With the regular water changes with DO/RO water and a cut back on your light you should be controlling algae problems. And remember good water flow makes a huge diffrence. I had the same problem and everyone lead me to the right direction. Good luck