

New Member
I'm new here. Just stopping in to say hi.
I got a quick pick last night with my cell phone. Don't expect much from this pic. I'm going to post up some more, but I got to borrow my gf's camera. It takes good tank pics.
Tank info: 46 Gal bow front, 26 lbs LR, Coral Beauty Angel, 4 Chromis, Six Line Wrasse, Percula Clown, 3 Emerald crabs, 1 Sea Slug, 1 Sea Monster(worm thing), 1 baby Starfish, various hermit crabs and snails.
I know its not Nano, but this is...
I have a pair of divorced Clowns, they almost killed each other, so I set up a 10 Gal refugium off the main tank: 15 lbs LR, Percula Clown, Black Cap Basslet, Long Nose Hawkfish, couple of snails and hermit crabs.
This will be my reef, but I'm still learning how it all works. I did get a couple pieces of pre cured LR that have some nice little polyps on them.



New Member
:welcome to Nanotank FishBone

Do you plan on adding anymore liverock or Corals?

Can't wait to see more pictures!!


New Member
I have 15lbs of LR in my 10 gal. That is where I plan on putting corals in. But I don't know anything about them. So I'm trying to learn before I go spend alot of money on a reef.


New Member
FishBone said:
I have 15lbs of LR in my 10 gal. That is where I plan on putting corals in. But I don't know anything about them. So I'm trying to learn before I go spend alot of money on a reef.
With that attitude you will go far in this hobby!

Nice to have you on NanoTank.com



New Member
Thats the down tube for my Emporer 400 filter system.

Thanks guys.
Aquarium photography is not one of my strong points but I'm doing my best.