Hello..New Here


New Member
:D Hi all!I thought I would start by saying hello and telling you a little about myself.I have been keeping a 75 gal. mixed reef for over 2 years.I just started my first nano tank a few weeks ago.It cycled pretty quick,as I used a good piece of LR,some LS from the keys,and water from my display.In the nano I presently have an unknown small blenny{From the gulf},a hermit, a turbo snail, a yellow feather duster,some ciratulid worms and copepods{I added the last two from my refugium}.I am interested in learning more about nano's.They make me a bit nervous...fretting about the water parameters :? I have been using water from my display to change the water,and fresh RO/DI for top-offs.The tank has no skimmer...and is relying on the LS and LR for filtration.I may want to set up a bigger nano soon,as I think this one is going to be too small.It's a 3 gallon eclipse.I am thinking a 10 gallon would be a bit better....maybe then I could turn the nano into a small reef.
Hope to get to 'know' you here...and any and all suggestions are welcome.


New Member
Morning...Sorry I haven't been on as much the last couple days. Welcome to the site. Your setup sounds fine, and it sounds like you know what you're doing. As long as you're doing regular water changes I wouldn't worry too much about a skimmer. Lots of folks on here don't use them. As long as you have a small bio-load you should be fine.
Do you have any pics of your tanks?



New Member
Hi waterfaller1 and welcome to Nanotank.com :gh:

It seems most folks have been pretty busy this week (including me) so i guess that is why you were short on replies. Congrats on moving into the world of nanotanks. I think you'll find nanos both challenging and rewarding. Its good you are coming into all of this with some SW experience. That will be extremely helpful.

Most folks don't run skimmers on tanks smaller than 20 gallons from what I've seen. I simple HOB Aquaclear 150 or 300 is what most people seem to use. I have a AQ150 on my 5.5 with a little rubble/sand with no other media (except carbon occasionally) and it works like a charm.

Good luck with your tank and keep us all updated.


New Member
that and not everybody come on at the same time. I'm at work now, and I'm lucky I even have time every now and then to post up. Here patience is a virtue, as you'll gain much insight. Also while waiting for replies, I find myself browsing the site and reading old posts.


New Member
Thanks so much for the welcome! :oops: Sorry for being impatient...patience is extremely important in this hobby..I learned that one early on :wink: Yes,I do have pics,but none of my nano yet.
Do any of you have any experience or have you heard of an Odyssy aquarium?I saw a 10 gal at a shop the other day...complete w/ 36 wt 50/50 for 50$..no fans though...not sure if it needs them.