Hello guys!!


New Member
hey and whats up everybody i just wanted to let you know that iam new to this SWF hobby and that iam really into it,i have done alot of research and right now i have a 10gallon Sw with cured 2LBS of live rock i bought from my LFS i also have a brittle starfish,coral banded shrimp,and my 3 fish which are,dominoe tank raised,3striped damsel tank raised and a tank raised false percula clown fish,which i bought 2days ago and its doing reeal reeal go0d and i havnt seen any sign of the fish fighting cause i have heard damsels can be aggresive with other fish but i havnt seen that lately with my new clown and the damsels.My tank has been running for a month already with a Hartz crystal clean 3 power filter with media in the filter i have not done water changes yet since my tank was cycling and i will please like to know how to do a water change and how much.


New Member
Welcome to the site. :mrgreen:

First off. You're a bit short on LR. The normal recommended amount is between 1 and 3 pounds per gallon. I like to go with 1.5-2lbs, and make up the rest when I buy corals that are attached to LR. You're correct to watch the damsels, as they will get agressive as the get larger. I started my first 55g tank off with those two damsels and they were fine for a bit as juviniles but as they started to get larger they just picked on everybody. Three fish is about your max for a 10g tank. So I wouldn't try to add anything else without removing them. What type of brittle starfish? If it's the green type, they're fish killers and they get pretty big, so in a 10g tank they are even better at catching fish than in a larger tank where the fish have more places to hide. If your tank was cycling you shouldn't have fish or inverts in it. If the tank is finished with the cycle, and sustaining them, then you should be doing a 10-20% water change every week.

What type of lights do you have on the tank?
What type of corals are you planning to keep?

We like pics...(hint, hint) ;-)



New Member
thnx for the info......right now im using a 20watt light strip i dont really know the name brand all i know is that it is a 20watt im planning on upgrading to a better lightning this week and for the corals i dunno what to get can you tell me what will be an excellent choice of corals for a 10gallon and around how much will it cost me and if i really need coral in my tank?!?!


New Member
do you need corals in your tank - No. Most people like nanos with coarls so they have somthing more to look at since you cant have alot of fish in them. if you go with corals the type depends on your lights. If this tank is going to be fish only and no corals then all you need is normal output lights. they make marine NO lights.


New Member
If you decide you'd like corals then the types of corals you like will determine the the type of lighting you need. Some corals require less light, some require more. It comes down to doing the research.

If you just want to have 2-3 fish and some rock, then a marine NO, (normal output), fluorescent bulb will work fine. Fish aren't concerned with light at all.
