hey and whats up everybody i just wanted to let you know that iam new to this SWF hobby and that iam really into it,i have done alot of research and right now i have a 10gallon Sw with cured 2LBS of live rock i bought from my LFS i also have a brittle starfish,coral banded shrimp,and my 3 fish which are,dominoe tank raised,3striped damsel tank raised and a tank raised false percula clown fish,which i bought 2days ago and its doing reeal reeal go0d and i havnt seen any sign of the fish fighting cause i have heard damsels can be aggresive with other fish but i havnt seen that lately with my new clown and the damsels.My tank has been running for a month already with a Hartz crystal clean 3 power filter with media in the filter i have not done water changes yet since my tank was cycling and i will please like to know how to do a water change and how much.