Hello from Newby with questions...


New Member
Hello I'm Geoff aka Didger.
I had a reef tank set up some years ago and of course loved it - then, for various reasons, have had no tanks for a few years now.
I just resurrected my 30 gallon tank - for fish not reef - but am not too pleased.... I would prefer a reef. So.....

After reading around I am leaning towards a 12 gallon Nano Cube tank (JBJ I think??). I do not want a large tank. I do understand the argument that the larger the tank the easier to maintain water stability.

Would this be a good starting point?

Once this has been decided then there are LOTS of other questions. Just trying to start off on the right foot.

Thanks for any input.... Geoff


New Member
This site is great for info .....
I would say stick with the 30 gallon and upgrade lights if you think the tank is still to big.....I would recommend a 10 ~15 gallon with pc lighting 96 watts or greater ..
Alot of folks here have the nano cubes by jbj and like them others have had theirs break spontaniously (I cant remember if it is the 6 g 12 g 24 g tanks)....I will say that most that have the cubes are modified with lighting and flow(power heads) there are lots of options once you decide on what corals you would like to have .... that will help you focus on what lighting you will need or want ..... These are just my opinions and I am sure others will have some great input for you as well . Again welcome to nanotank. :mrgreen:


Staff member
You need to decide on what kinds of coral you want to keep first and then see if the lighting in a nanocube is sufficient. The 24s are the main ones that had cracking issues but that is supposed to be corrected with the '06 models (the '06 models have a tag on the back with a serial number and manufacture date). Most of the mods have also been taken care of in the '06 model, they come with a higher gph pump and a surface skimmer. The main thing that may not be sufficient is the lighting and that is dependant on the corals you wish to keep. I have a 6 gal and a 12 gallon and like both of them. I am going to be taking the 12 down in the near future so I can upgrade the lights and move it to a new location. It will be set back up primarily as a zoanthid tank with 4 24 watt PCs. If you want to see some of the upgrades being made to these check out www.nanocustoms.com . You can also build a nano from scratch like Sadie suggested, its up to you.

BTW, :welcome to nanotank!!!!!


New Member
Thanks For the Replies..

The only problem with asking questions and getting answers is that all that does is raise more questions.....Hi Hi.
The reason I wanted to get away from my 30 gallon is that it is all old equipment and to upgrade lighting filtration etc would be quite expensive.

I thought that the Nano Cube being complete and compact would suite me better.

As far as what I will keep in it....... At this stage I am not sure. Any ideas on where I could look up information? I am not "over ambitious", I can see the beauty in the most basic tank.

Having said that I must ask the preferences between a 6 gallon and a 12 gallon???



Staff member
Go with the 12 gallon, you can buy it with 2 24 watt lights in the DX model. Plus you have more water for some stability and room for more corals with only a small increase in cost.


New Member
Re: Thanks For the Replies..

Didger said:
The only problem with asking questions and getting answers is that all that does is raise more questions.....Hi Hi.

:lol3: tell me about it that happens to me alot here i start with 1 or 2 and i end with 4 more questions and giving alot of answers ...but i know if for the guys to be able to answer my doubts

i own a 12dx and i think is the size between a small and a large (6g,12g and 24g) and with a 6 gallon less space and i think to smalll but cute and 24g too much space :lol: (im never happy haaa) and that means more water changes,more rock more this and that so i think a 12g is perfect well in my opinion :) but reading your thing of upgrading will be more expensive im not sure about that i think it might be the same as getting a nano cube cause you always have to add this add that you know.... but i think is better 100% a nano cube than making your 12g or updating

:lol3: :lol3: tooooo much work just get the system all at once the only inconvinient is upgrading the lights i want to upgrade mines but that one looks like a tough one..

ed :cool1: