Well I have a ten gallon tank right. My first marine tank and I wanted to take on the nano reef. Currently I have about 15 lbs of live sand, about 20 lbs of rock and 10 unused in my standby water, aqueon 10 filter with custom filtration, an aqua-tech powerhead 170 LPH. As for my light I'm temporarily using the walmart 10w flourescent bulbs. Which I plan to replace with a t5 10k and actinic SOON!
Last night I just put in two clowns, a yellowtail damsel, featherduster, and three snails. Forget the name of the snails though.
I'm not comfortable with the way I have the rock setup. Because I have the tank in a spot in my house to be viewed from both sides. I'd take a picture but I'm on my iPhone and my camera lense has alot of dust particles in it. But I'll get one up asap! If anyone has links/pics to this bi-viewable tank, let me know!
This is my first saltwater tank so I'm learning. Thanks for reading. Happy Halloween!
Last night I just put in two clowns, a yellowtail damsel, featherduster, and three snails. Forget the name of the snails though.
I'm not comfortable with the way I have the rock setup. Because I have the tank in a spot in my house to be viewed from both sides. I'd take a picture but I'm on my iPhone and my camera lense has alot of dust particles in it. But I'll get one up asap! If anyone has links/pics to this bi-viewable tank, let me know!
This is my first saltwater tank so I'm learning. Thanks for reading. Happy Halloween!