Hell all! White Cap Goby/ Red Spot Snapping Shrimp in 29

Lucky Fish

New Member
Hey everyone, I've been reading these forums for awhile, but just really signed up.

I've been doing salt water on and off for years, and half a year ago set up a 29gal BioCube intended for small peaceful nano-fish.

At my LFS they have a pair of a White Cap Goby (Lotilia graciliosa) and Red Spotted Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus rubromaculatus) in that I was seeing if I could ask you your collective opinion on.

My LFS is in Nanuet NY, Pets Place II, where they've got a pretty great selection of Saltwater and Freshwater fish, and every once in awhile I've seen them get in these small pistol shrimp that co-habitate with a goby of some type.

I've always wanted a pair of them of some type. It's fasinating the way they interact. But I wanted to learn a bit about them before I considered it.

Currently I've got firefish, couple snails and crabs in there, some pajama cardinals, couple mushroom corals - nothing terribly exciting.

Anything know anything about them?
Know if $450 is a reasonable price for these guys?

Any info would be greatly appriciated.


New Member
The Goby/Pistol Combo is always an awesome choice. Just remember the pistol shrimp likes to dig, so rock work must be very stable. As for the specific pair you are talking about $450 is a little steep for me. Pretty pair though. I personally like the Yasha Goby and candy cane pistol usually in the $60-90 for the pair. After some reading the pair you are looking at is a rare pair, so $450 may be the norm.


New Member
Goby and Pistol Shrimp was hands down my favorite purchase ever made for my nano. You will spend hours upon hours watching them work together. $450 seem extremely high but prices are totally different everywhere. I paid no more than $70 for my combo.

What did you decide?