Hector's Goby?


New Member
Hi, I will be adding fish to my 12 gallon nano cube sometime in the next month. I planned to have 3 total fish eventually - a regular Oscellaris clownfish, one black and white one, and a firefish. Then, I read in my book that the Hector's Goby is great at sifting sand and eating hair algae. Some hair algae is just starting to grow with the diatoms in my tank. So far, I only have tiny hermit crabs who aren't interested. Now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't get the Hector's goby instead of a firefish? What do you think especially those of you who have had firefish and/or Hector's goby? How are those fish as far as behavior, temperment, use in the tank, and how hard are they to keep alive? Thanks.


New Member
Generally, grazers and sifters should be avoided in tanks that small. Also, make sure you have a very secure lid with the firefish... they WILL try to jump. A third thing, I would suggest either the two clowns or one clown and one other fish. You really want to avoid overstocking your tank.

BTW, this is a great link if you havent already seen it---> http://www.nanotank.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2758



New Member
Ok, thanks. I have the nano reef book, and it suggested Hector's goby. I think I will stick with the clown fish at first and see how they do maybe trying a firefish later. I have a tank with a full lid, so full in fact that I am worried about gas exchange. Water that evaporates condenses at the top and rains back in (good and bad). It's a "12 gallon nano cube." Nobody can get out of that thing! Also, how do you guys add fish food (flake, frozen, live, etc.) to the tank without it all getting sucked right in to the filter? Should I turn the filter off while feeding the fish or are clown fish going to get it fast? Thanks.