Heater Ideas


New Member
So I have slowly convinced myself that I need a heater for my 12g Aquapod because the nightly temperature fluctuations are too great. Any suggestions on heaters (size/type) that I should get? the fluctuation is usually about 2 - 2 1/2 degrees farenheight. :iill


New Member
Rule of thumb is 2 to 3 watts per gallon. IMO, a 50 watt should do you good. I have one on my 10g and it works well. I'm using Marineland Visi-therm Stealth heaters on both my tanks and have had no problems with them. I'd stay away from the Rena heaters though. The one I had broke and heated up my tank to 90 degrees.

Here's a link that I think might be helpful.

http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/setupe ... eaters.htm



New Member
Second what aquemeni5110 suggests! Great heater plus shatter proof and has some kind of circuit to shut off if its exposed to air.... something like that. Basically, I love it... :mrgreen: