
New Member
i am in Corona, Ca it is always hot out here and i don't think having the tank on the second floor of the house helps either as heat rises but i am running an aquaclear and 2 power heads i am took the power heads out to see if i can get the temp to drop and it dropped to 80.5 degrees i am thinking of taking every thing off of the tank and using a Penguin 350 i have laying around the house it runs the length of the tank and Filters 350 gal./hr. will this be enough water movement??


New Member
If you have a little fan you can point it in the tanks direction, as long as it is hitting the top of the water it will help cool the temp down. If there is a canopy on the tank, installing a fan in the canopy would be a good idea too.


New Member
you might still have a heat problem with the pengiun because of the size, it might even make it warmer. i would leave the PH's and the aquaclear in and find a small fan. i had the same problem and all i did was use a small computer fan in my hood.

the pengiun should be plenty of movement for your tank..


New Member
i meant location in the room. if its by a window that will heat it up. I would add a computer fan. I run one in my 20L and my temp dropped to 75 degrees so i quite using 2 of them and now im at 78-80 degrees.


New Member
I keep my air on in the apartment 78 degrees when gone and leave the lid OPEN (the small part of the lid) at night. This has solved my problems. If slime or mucous (slime is on top of the water to the point where you can take it out with a net or anything else) then your pump is not strong enough and remember to always have your pump pointing up. Helps with putting O2 into the water. This is the cheap way of solving your problem. I have added an airstone to the back of the compartment (additional cheap pump outside of nano) and it has made a world of difference to the water clarity and to the amount of life I can add to the tank. Temp is stable and we are all happy. OOPS, just read where you have a ten gal and not a ten gal nano, sorry. Long day,reading too fast.