As stated already on the Sea Apple Id serious not recommend it. Filter feeders are hard enough to do in a large tank much less a small one. While there are food preps on the market for filter feeders they aint all that and if you put enough in the tank to do the trick you will trash the water quality in short order. If it stresses, gets injured in a avalanche of live rock, picked on enough it will die and nuke your tank wiping out everything. I must admit that they look really cool and interesting but thats about the only place that they score points.
The Flame Scallop or Electric Flame Scallop are not recommended either. As mentioned earlier most are poorly harvested. The other major issue with these guys is that they need food thats very specific in size...under 40 mircrons. While you might be able to find filter feeder food of that size once again you will go broke and pollute the water quality in your tank beyond words and still probably end up with a dead Flame Scallop for youtr efforts.
There are a lot of things that many a LFS orders in for sale cause there is always some sucker that will quickly snatch it up in short order as an impulse buy or simply because they think they wont fail at what everyone else has failed at. Its a supply and demand thing for the most part. These are two that are often seen for sale and have a dismal survuival rate rarely lasting more than a few short months at best. If you have a very large reef tank set up to mimic a nutrient rich lagoon you might fair a little better odds wise. Some things are better left in the ocean...