Hatching Brine Shrimp in-tank and other Qs


New Member
Any thoughts on hatching brine shrimp right in the tank? It would be a good source of food, for the various critters in there right? Has anyone done this?

P.S. I think my tank is ready to be stocked, Can anyone recommend some cheap, hardy species to get started? (cheap in case i bomb it) lol.



New Member
hatching brineshrimp in a display tank, just doesn't work. There are left over shells everwhere and the filter usally pulls out the eggs, before they hatch. I have been hatching brineshrimp for years...the best method is still the upside down 2 liter soda bottle, air pump and a light.


New Member
Thanks Dickie. Does the H20 need to be at a specific temperature? What about the water, does it need to be a specific SG?


New Member
What I did was use one of those side containers like what LFS use to put the fish in when caught from the main tank. I have that actually in the tank, so basically in the tank instead of being on the outside. Both water are seperated, there's no mixing. All I did was add a air stone and eggs and 24 hours later, baby brine shrimp. Its nice cause it adjusts to the tank temp and the light helps heat it up too! It looked odd in my nano but all I had was cleaners plus I wanted to see brine shrimp hatch....

After the shrimp hatched, I froze them. They were so small you had to scoop 10 times to get a pink film to see them. So I froze them just in case I needed baby brnes in the future. :neutral: I wanted to grow them in my 2.5 but the current along with the filter was too much. Plus I was getting it ready in the next month to be a nano too.