Happy Birthday Sandra!!


New Member

Happy birthday NANOANGEL :p. Yes it's my girlfriend's birthday. For those who are no familiar with nanoangel, she has the 12 gallon jbj cube.

She has a purple firefish, one ocellaris clown *nemo*, and one bi-color blenny named "Jar Jar". Inside also she has pulsating xenia, some mushrooms, zoos, yellow polyps, frogspawn and hammer coral. I'll have a update pic post soon.

Anyway she just turned 23, and I wanted to be a sweet guy to announce it. I'm off with her now so we can celebrate. See ya guys/gals!!


New Member
Hi eberyone

:alice wanna thank Steven for spilling the beans and says Happy birthday on nano tank here.
thank you Thank you
Mike your tank is looking good there, I was just reading up on the your project. hope to see you and Mrs Guerrero soon


New Member
Happy Birthday Sandra!


We hope you have a good one! And you let us know if Steven got you something good, being the good guy that he is I'm sure that he got you something VERY nice. Right Steven????



Active Member
I made the cut Sandra, it's 11:56pm and I just wanted to say Happy B-day !!! You are now 2 years away from being a quarter of a century in age !!! I hope Steve gave you a blast you deserve it !!!
