Hand cleaning red slime redone 7gmb


New Member
After careful planning and (tons of fustration with red slime) set up of a kitchen table and equipment in the livingroom , I was ready for the dreaded tear down .... I had everything ready , new sand new water mixed for 24 hours and the salt added then mixed again for an addtional 24 hours new bins were disinfected and air dried they were disinfected with boiling water , we had tubes and cords everywhere and I mean every where , I started at 10 am draining the tank once it was drained 2/3s down I removed the corals and placed them into a holding tank . I then had another bin (dish pan filled 1/2 way) and topped off with fresh new salt water I then placed the rocks that had the red slime/ cyano in the dish pan , I went to the dollar store and got 2 electric toothbrushes and that made life a bit easier the red slime just sloughed right off . I ran a filter in it to pick up debris . I hooked up the filter to the holding tank and placed the fish and the shrimp in along with crabs and snails as well as the corals ( the lr that had the corals on with the red slime was hand done so not to damage the corals .) I took the tank to the kitchen and sprayed with white vinegar and a scrub pad washed well and sprayed more vinegar in let set for about 10 minutes while I cleaned up around the tank , came back and rinsed for 15 minutes with hot hot hot tap water the tank was placed upside down and the water shot up through the inside to rinse back out this as I said lasted aprox 15- 20 minutes . Then I towel dried the tank let air dry for another 10 minutes placed back on it stand and added aprox 5 lbs of sand and aprox 6-8 ounces sand from the first tank ......... all equipment was then soaked in the white vinegar for 15 minutes and rinsed well for 15-20 minutes with hot hot hot water , and air dried. next I used aprox 2 gallons new fresh salt water to keep the rock under water (rock was only out of water to transfer to bins with water and never out more than 60 seconds) and started to pump from the 5 gallons that was saved from the tank in the begining ......by noon the rock was cleaned and rescaped , but many things were very unhappy at this point and spewing , this is the point that I squeezed the feather duster that had its fall from royality , and much to my suprized it was recrowned !!!! by 12:20 pm the tank was fully filled and done except for the inhibitants (fish , crabs and snail and shrimp) and suprisingly clear about 95% clear at this point I ran the filter(s) 2 of them at this point till 1:45 pm the tank was even more clear than at 12:20 I started to drip acclimate them at 4:00 pm they were still acclimating I felt comfortable that the tank was 99.5% clear that it was ok to change out the filter pads with new and place the fish and the crabs , snails and the shrimp in their freshly redone home . I did find some small suprises one of the worst a bristle worm that was about 5 inches long , The only thing not to make back into the tank was the anenome he was rehomed everything else seems to have faired fine .I will post some pictures of before and after later tonight when I have had a few minutes down time


New Member

Sounds like you had your hands full today.....Seems to me like a well thought plan, was accomplished without a hitch. I am sure you are going to be very happy with the results!!!

All I can say is WOW about that mushroom, you have!!! It is beautiful.....

Good luck with the tank!


New Member
thanks guys Yes Dickie my hands were full
I failed to mention that the hammer is bright green and I can not seem to capture it in a photo I havent added chemi clean yet I still may need to in the near future


New Member
Thank you Sugar that means alot to me . All the compliments do , I see these tanks here and say HMM wonder how much they charge to do aquascaping :mrgreen: It truly looks better in person , I am workin on pictures that do it justice . It has a cool looking cave in it . I also took out a resin rock that may have been part of the redslime problem not sure tho