hammer coral fragging


New Member
hey guys I got a hammer coral tonight for really cheap($10 bucks about the size of a base ball once the dead skeleton is removed it is not a branching type ) I have been watching this guy for 6 months it had some tissue die off and is looking generally very healthy . I have seen it for 6 months with out further die off and was wondering how to frag the dead skeleton off . Do I just measure back 1- 2 inches and cut from the live tissue? :maitre


technically what your talking about is not "fragging" if i understand you correctly because you just want to remove some dead skeletal rock from the live coral probably just to make it more astetically pleasing not to create a two seperate growing organisms right???????? If this is the case then you can safely remove as much as you want and it should be easy as the skeleton of this type of coral is very poreous and will break or cut easily. Keep the coral submerged as best you can till you have to remove it from water ( a tupperware type container) then cut it as close as you want just so you don't hit any live flesh with a side cutter pliers, dremal tool, hack saw, hammer and chisel, (don't laugh - I have done this)whatever it takes to do the job. If you have to take it out on a surface to do this I use a towel dampened with salt water. You will find that the skeleton of this type of coral cuts/breaks very easily, and all will be well. Good luck! no worries here.


New Member
Yes that is what I was reffering to . Thank you I will be cutting the rest of the dead skeleton away tomorrow I can do it compleatly under water as I did today, while I removed some skeleton . The other question is can I cut some of the height down without worry as well ?


yep, the live tissue is only an inch or so deep - this type of coral adds height vertically as it grows and those earlier chambers are not neccessary to its existance. leave enough skeleton though so you can prop it nicely in the rockwork so it can inflate/deflate without any snagging of the tissue (hammers can inflate as much as 5 fold give or take???? if you know what i mean??


New Member
Thank you so much I will wait to take off more till the rescape is done and I see where I can put it :mrgreen:


New Member
oops did not think of that before sorry but I will have before and after the rescape and the cleaning :mrgreen:


Staff member
I take your last post as everything went fine with the fragging and reaquascaping?