Green Brain - In trouble?


New Member
I am curious if we are losing our green brain. I have included a photo for reference. His/her edges have become more brown/dark and he/she doesn't "bubble" up as much.

We have had some salinity issues lately, but after the recent water change we are at 1.024 and all other levels(chemical) appear normal. The only other animal that appears distressed is our Torch, who has become translucent and otherwise not out as much as before the salinity issues.

Please advise...





New Member
drty811 said:
from the looks of it , you have already lost the brain. sorry
I have to agree. There is nearly no tissue left by the looks of that picture. It may be tough, but you might want to count your losses and remove the coral before it can fowl your water.




New Member
More pics....

The lighting is standard on the Aquapod 24G. He is/was in the upper regions and about a few weeks ago was doing fine, although he never "came out" as much as we expected.

More pics:



New Member
I agree with the others, it looks like the tissue recession is too far advanced. Sorry Chris!



New Member
You mentioned that he was on the rockwork. this may have been an irritation for the tissue when he expanded... maybe that could have led to this?



New Member
Per our LFS he was suggested to be placed on the rock work in a position that would support it. Even when he did expand, my wife and wondered if he was even expanding.

In all honesty, the only difference between when we bought him and now is that the tissue does appear to have receded and the dark brown coloration on the edges.

I wonder if he was dying in the first place. My understanding is that brains are usually quite billowy. He was never like that.


New Member
In that case, it just sounds like they sold you a bad brain... i would think twice before buying from them again.



New Member
Chris, try placing him on the sand bed and see if it might take a small piece of meaty food for you.

Hope it helps.


New Member
if it doesn't respond to that, it's a goner. Also dont' forget to turn off your powerhead, otherwise that food will float right off.


its not likely that it will take food if the feeder tenticles are not extended - check first thing when the lights come on, but its definitly worth a try. and as others have said the sand bed is better for them. but don't give up on it too quickly lps's can regenerate from what appears to be a total loss sometimes. if everything in your tank is good and you can get it to eat some mysis you may nurse it back. also a coral dip may help (a couple drops of iodine in a small container with tank water for 10 minutes) to help against bacterial infection and "brown jelly". best of luck to you - but it may have been doomed from the start - a healthy brain will be expanded more then double (even 3x) the size of the skeleton


New Member
maybe get a small quaratine tank so just is case it goes south it won't foul up the tank?? like a 2.5g or 5g tank?


New Member
Got any good links on quarantine tanks?

I imagine I just need something small with some live sand in it? Maybe a power head or an airstone.....

What about chemical build up? daily or semi-daily water changes (partial of course).


New Member
IMO i would just leave it in the tank at this point. if any harm was done to the tank it has already happened. put it in the substrate if you already havent. it might come back, it might not. i would just keep up with your regular maintenance.


New Member
drty811 said:
IMO i would just leave it in the tank at this point. if any harm was done to the tank it has already happened. put it in the substrate if you already havent. it might come back, it might not. i would just keep up with your regular maintenance.
I agree.



New Member
just a nice clean tank. I'm not even sure you need the sand (but for the brain I think you would). Most quarantine tanks I've seen are BB and have PVC tubing for aquascape (the PVC is real clean and lends to the medicinal purposes of the quarentine tank). I'll look for a good link and add it to this post when I find one. A HOB filter is used for mechanical and chemical filtration normally.

Good reading even if you don't use it. Hope the brain recovers.