good books


New Member
Hi guys, i've decided on spending lotsa money on a reef book. I've got lots back home but theyre kinda big so i couldnt bring them to college. Any suggestions on what is the ultimate reef keeping book? I'm only getting one so it needs to be comprehensive. I also might get the FIELD GUIDE TO ANEMONE FISHES AND THEIR HOST SEA ANEMONES by Dr. Daphne G. Fautin and Dr. Gerald R. Allen.


New Member
I posted this in another thread a couple weeks ago.

I'd reccomend these.

Aquarium Corals: - Eric Borneman
A Practical Guide to Corals - Co-Authored by Eric Borneman

As you can see by the post, I've got one, still don't have the other yet though.

Here's a partial list of my aqarium-related books. I've still got boxes of books in the garage that we haven't been able to find room for, so there are probably a few others.

Aquarium Corals - Eric Borneman

The Living Aquarium - Peter Hunnam

Ultimate Marine Aquariums: Saltwater Dream Systems and How They Are Created - Michael S. Paletta

The Ultimate Aquarium: A Definitive Guide to Identifying and Keeping Freshwater and Marine Fishes - Mary Bailey & Gina Sandford

Reef Life - Tackett & Tackett

Natural Reef Aquariums - John H. Tullock

Marine Aquarium Problem Solver - Nick Dakin

Marine Invertebrates - U. Erich Friese

Saltwater Aquarium Fishes - Axlerod & Burges

Reef Notes - Revised and Revisted by Julian Sprung

Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies - Gregory Skomal

While I've read these, and a handful of others, most of my daily info/questions are answered online. It's an interesting change for me from the norm. I really love books, but I found enough differing opinions and obsolete info in the books to keep me looking mainly online for up-to-date info. I've even got one book that was written in the mid 80s, that states that SPS corals will never successfully be kept in hobbyist's aquariums. I got the book because it had nicely detailed instructions on how to build your own tank.
Execept for taxonomy books I think that a lot of the info in the books is obsolete, or at least somewhat outdated within 3-5yrs. This keeps me from spending a ton of money on books and lets me wait until I can find them at a used book store cause there isn't anything that compares to a book when it comes to pictures.

Hope this helps some.


Here's a few more recommended in earlier posts on NT.

The Reef Aquarium vol 1 &2 - Delbeek and Sprung
The Modern Reef Aquarium vol 1-4 - Nilsen
Giant Clams - Daniel Knopp
Ultimate Marine Aquariums - Paletta
Clownfishes - Wilkenson
Aquarium Corals - Borneman
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist

Flame Angel
"Natural Reef Aquariums" - John H. Tullock
"Reef Secrets" - Alf Jacob Nilsen and Svein A. Fosså