Gonipora corals (Flower Pot Corals) question


New Member
Well, I feel JADED by my LFS.

I purchased (unfortunately) a bright green Gonipora coral a few weeks ago, as it was absolutely (and still is) stunning. It has probably 200+ Polyps that extend on it that are a bright neon lime green color. I had NO IDEA though, that this happens to be one of the worst corals to have in the aquarium because they always die. I have researched them NOW ( too late, I already bought him) and found that less than 10% last more than 6 months in the home aquarium.

Has anyone had experience with this coral? Is there anything I can possibly do to try and help this coral survive? He has been placed in my sand bed, in moderate to high water flow. He extends fully during the day, closing up at night.

I feel so bad that I have been jaded. I was told it was a easy to care for specimen. Yeah, easy till he dies! I feel like this type of selling only contributes to these type of corals being collected in the wild only to perish in unknowing customers aquariums.



New Member
I have had one in the past. It was in my tank for about a year. It died... along with almost everything else... when I went on my honeymoon and forgot to turn on the air conditioner. Well, it got up to about 90 everyday for 6 days. Anyways, I would say just keep an eye on it. If you begin to see it going downhill, post pics and bring it up here. Just a note, don't freak out if the polyps go a day or two or even more without opening. They can a little tempermental like most corals.

As far as what you can do to help it survive, just treat it like any other coral. Good water quality and flow, and just keep an eye on it. But, with these corals, no matter how well you take care of it, it can just up and die for no apparent reason.



New Member
Good Luck with it .... it's true is a kind that tends to die and we tend to get it cause of the wave movement or because is one of the cheapest corals well that was my mistake....but anyways i kept mine for 2-3 months and then it was kinda doing not good so i took it back to my LFS ... so as mentioned keep a prestine water and will do fine , a suplement of phytoplankton will help alittle :mrgreen:


I ran across this site some time ago and bookmarked it for future reference - should I ever decide to try my luck with some goniopora. I briefly looked it over and didn't really delve into it too much, but looks like a good source of info. Maybe it can help you out some.
