GARF...Anyone bought from them


New Member
Just wondering if anyone has bought any coral from GARF? If so, what did ya think? They are running special giving 8 corals for 100 bucks, 60 bucks shipping to me. Thats cheaper than anything I can buy from my LFS.

Also, Is there a way to tell what GARF has for sale or what?



New Member

After reading what you wrote I tried looking for items that they would sell, no luck. I also use their site as a source for more knowledge.... but never heard about individuals getting frag packs from them? I'd be safe and go to a site with pics. Plus with another $15 you can get more frags and free shipping! I seen sites with $175 spent free shipping, but the usual is $200 spent. I would look around for what frag pack works for you.

Here's the link of a previous topic with pics of the store!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


New Member
I put this same question on my local club forum in NC and got bad responses from was a 4 page topic before the day was up. I will shy away from them. It seemed they have good ideas, but don't live up to the hype when selling thier corals.

For future reference if anyone else was considering