I know that some where here I read on how to reestablish a tank but cant find it .
I have to reaquascape and get the red slime algae under contrlol I have a small 5 gallon tank that I could use as a holding I would like to drain the tank and remove all inhibitants and reaquascape as well as replace the sand I need to reaquscape to make the rock more stable due to the neighbors . How much of the old sand should I keep to resead the new sand. Also if I drain the h2o into holding tanks and will this make the tank safe for our fish to return to later in the evening . I would start this at around 7 am and hope to have the rescaping done and the water clear by around 5 in the after noon. I was hoping to manually scrub all the live rock and clean it up as well as to get some of the phosphate problems under control via a new sand bed and water change aprox 40- 50% with newly mixed salt water . I do know that if I need to add some rock the lfs has a cured bin (there are marks on this live rock so I know it isnt "fresh" and has been in his tanks for the better part of 4 months , ordinarily I would recommend the cooking method but his is cured for fact ) I just dont want to do a disservice to the tank or the inhibitants , I know that I may go through some diatoms but they should not be all that bad it is the red slime that has me fustrated . I do not want to treat with chemicals if I dont need to but will have the chemi clean on hand so that when the rock itself is scrubbed and placed in the tank that I will add it so as to be hitting it from 2 angles . I have infact cut the feedings in 1/2 and am working to get the tank to a good aquascape that works for us . As well as controling the bad algaes . Any inputs would be greatly appreciated . :maitre
I have to reaquascape and get the red slime algae under contrlol I have a small 5 gallon tank that I could use as a holding I would like to drain the tank and remove all inhibitants and reaquascape as well as replace the sand I need to reaquscape to make the rock more stable due to the neighbors . How much of the old sand should I keep to resead the new sand. Also if I drain the h2o into holding tanks and will this make the tank safe for our fish to return to later in the evening . I would start this at around 7 am and hope to have the rescaping done and the water clear by around 5 in the after noon. I was hoping to manually scrub all the live rock and clean it up as well as to get some of the phosphate problems under control via a new sand bed and water change aprox 40- 50% with newly mixed salt water . I do know that if I need to add some rock the lfs has a cured bin (there are marks on this live rock so I know it isnt "fresh" and has been in his tanks for the better part of 4 months , ordinarily I would recommend the cooking method but his is cured for fact ) I just dont want to do a disservice to the tank or the inhibitants , I know that I may go through some diatoms but they should not be all that bad it is the red slime that has me fustrated . I do not want to treat with chemicals if I dont need to but will have the chemi clean on hand so that when the rock itself is scrubbed and placed in the tank that I will add it so as to be hitting it from 2 angles . I have infact cut the feedings in 1/2 and am working to get the tank to a good aquascape that works for us . As well as controling the bad algaes . Any inputs would be greatly appreciated . :maitre