Funny observation at a LFS


New Member
Okay, so I was at a fish store in San Antonio the other day and I witnessed something pretty funny. I was standing there, admiring a frogspawn in one of their tanks, and the manager was next to me helping someone get a few hermits. Out of nowhere, another employee runs up to the tank I was looking at and sticks his thumb in there. I see blood start to drift into the tank and he pulls his thumb out and says "man, cut my finger bad..couldn't get it to stop bleeding". The manager and I just looked at him. I was about to start laughing and the manager said "what the hell are you doing? I really appreciate that especially in one of my reef tanks". The employee just walked off.

That shocked me b/c number one, I would think its not very safe to put your badly cut finger in a fully stocked LFS tank due to infection risk or toxicity (there were zoanthids in there). Number two, it just can't be good for the tank and its certainly not the best way to impress your customers :lol: .

Kinda funny to see...


New Member
djconn said:
Okay, so I was at a fish store in San Antonio the other day and I witnessed something pretty funny. I was standing there, admiring a frogspawn in one of their tanks, and the manager was next to me helping someone get a few hermits. Out of nowhere, another employee runs up to the tank I was looking at and sticks his thumb in there. I see blood start to drift into the tank and he pulls his thumb out and says "man, cut my finger bad..couldn't get it to stop bleeding". The manager and I just looked at him. I was about to start laughing and the manager said "what the hell are you doing? I really appreciate that especially in one of my reef tanks". The employee just walked off.

That shocked me b/c number one, I would think its not very safe to put your badly cut finger in a fully stocked LFS tank due to infection risk or toxicity (there were zoanthids in there). Number two, it just can't be good for the tank and its certainly not the best way to impress your customers :lol: .

Kinda funny to see...
WoW, great idea thinking of himself instead of others and his surroundings, LOL, the employee was lucky he didn't dip his bloody finger in the pirahnna bowl or shark tank, hehe.

on a serious note, that's just gross, who honestly does crap like that? How far could the bathroom have been? Employee must have panic big time or something, or like incysor said, "p*thead."


New Member
Yeah, it was just one of those things where I just stood there and said to myself 'did that really just happen?' :mex:


Active Member
That would be a good clip for American dumbest people... Drago is right, what if it had been a shark tank... Jaws part 5, with DJ as Richard Dryfus the fish expert, hehehe

Atlantis Aquatics right next to my house in Union City has a 2 foot nurse shark,,, So the sharks do exist in these tanks,,,

yea theres a place near me called the shark aquarium in Union, they used to have nurse sharks, leopard sharks, and a few other kinds plus its 50% piranhas, they have piranhas a foot and a half long ans well ans ones only 1/2 an inch and all in between, 75% chance he would of put his finger in and not taken it out, they just moved so no sharks yet but im sure theil have them soon, they have execelent hawaiian LR, its where I got both open water cup coral and 3 sun coral poylps on a shell for 2 bucks :D , love that place, also got my finger leather coral there, might go back for some bubble coral and a brain perhaps, what ever looks good