Funkngroovy's nano (7.5G)


New Member
Ended up with a few changes from above, I will be using a 15W aqua one 103. Head hight will be 600 mm so that will give me 400l/hr flow and no need for any other power heads in the tank. The display will drain through a durso in the back of the tank with return water entering the same way.

Also, My sump is a 32L round bucket from bunnings $4.98 Bargain!

The sump pump sits in an old plastic 5kg nail container in the middle of the sump and is surrounded by a 5cm deep sand bed of approx 10kg

That leaves room for 12L of water with a safety factor of 8L for drainage from the display tank.

I have set up the sump with beach sand and cycling it with some LR from my other tank over the Christmas Break.

I have also set up the live rock on some egg crate and tied it all together with fishing line so that the main scaping is set up and ready to go.

I won't be putting in any LPS or SPS (that's the plan anyway) so I think I will have a good scape for lots of zoa frags and red, purple and green mushrooms


this is a copy of a post from my tank journal on Sorry if you don't understand L (liters) but I couldn't be buggered converting it all over for you yanks! :soldiers

Comments welcome.



New Member
drilled today with my $6 ebay bits from Hong Kong (worked really well).

Plumbed it and fixed it to my desk. The sump is cycled and the live rock is base rock from my 22 Gal so I will stock it this weekend, Keep you updated!

p.s. those funny little marks on the ruler are centemetres.


New Member
LOL. I love the metric jokes... :lol:

It is odd that we yanks still use the imperial system... FYI you can type into google "32 liters to gallons" and it will do the math for you.

I love the wire idea!


New Member
My city is built on white silica sand, litterally. I will be using some collected from below the low tide mark, full of critters.


New Member
funkngroovy said:
My city is built on white silica sand, litterally. I will be using some collected from below the low tide mark, full of critters.
I just noticed you're on the coast. I think I need to go sand/water collecting there also at some point lol. I'm just north of you in Logan.


New Member

I ended up using crushed coral so I could brighten up the tank. I am only using 2 15w T8's so I think this will help.

And I thought I'd throw in a few pics of the coastline and rock pools in my area of Australia



New Member
I gotta ask you man... did you buy your stuff or did you lift it from the rockpools?


New Member
I collect my own fish and inverts but not corals.

All the corals in this tank are frags from my other tank. There are no mushies in these rockpools and I don't think these zoas would survive in a tank as they are used to full on sunlight in only 3cms of water They are a cool colour,tho'. All of my zoas are boring except for my green with blue centres that I scored as a hitchhiker a couple of years ago. It went nuts for a while but had a massive die back about 6 months ago. The frag in this tank seems to be doing ok.

I would love to have more colourful zoas but for some reason I have never had much luck keeping the really cool ones. I suspect that maybe they didnt have enough light.

All my corals are bought from other reefers shutting down or trading with the LFS
(i'm a carpenter so I did some work.) Saved lots of $$

You are allowed to take some species for aquariums in Qld but not NSW> these pics are from Hastings Point in NSW so it's not worth it.


New Member
Up, up and away....

Tank is going fine. I collected a very small lawnmower about 2 weeks ago.

I went missing and I suspected that it went carpet surfing. Turns out that is went for a ride throught the overflow an is in the sump, it's hard to get out of there..

So, I have that Blenny plus the herring that I had in throughout the cycling of the sump plus a cowrie, 2 hermits and a snail.

Tests are coming back consistant. Nitrate 5 the rest all zero's. I'm happy with that considering that I haven't done a water change in 3 weeks.

I'm getting very little aglae on the glass, I think this is due to the Macro that I intoduce a couple of weeks ago.
Added a Duncan polyp and some non-photosynthetic branching polyps cover all of my dark spots in my 22gal.

Macro Algae

Top Down, Zoas showing a few new polyps


cowrie stays in the same spot every day

Hitchhiker tube worm centre of photo



New Member
Just another FTS shot to keep the journal up to date. This little tank is going unbelievably well. Much better than my other tank, which is kinda' annoying considering I haven't put any effort into the build of this tank or maintenance.

I suppose that's the advantage to not having any fish..

I am not sure if I am going to put one in yet, I'm liking that I can be completely lazy with this one.

Added a duncan polyp and a couple of fungias that were a bit squashed in my other tank. The zoas have continued to grow a couple of new polyps a week.

A couple of spots of coralline have popped up on the base rock, hope that gets going.

And I have picked up some nuicance polyps on a new piece of LR, It is some kind of star polyp and it is growing fast. Hope it doesn't take over.

If anyone can ID it, it is the top left of the second photo.



New Member
some macro pics

Just posting some macro pics taken with my Kodak 5 mega pixel, 3 times optical, 3 screws missing from the front panel point and shoot.

My blue Zoas that came on the tinest bit of live rock 2 months ago, Now 4 colonies of frags that are growing well

Button polyps that were once a pest in my old tank now are growing very slowly, not sure why but I wont complain.

Green fungia, loves a feed and I love watching it. It is different every time. Today it pulled in some food on a strand of slime that was at least 5 cms away.

That's it. will post some from my bigger tank too.

Thanks for looking and any helpful comments


New Member
That is a beautiful tank! I like the creativity of the sump you have under the desk. Is the pump noisy? And what kind of lighting do you have on that bad boy?


New Member
The pump is only an 8 watt model that is rated to 800L/hr so it is quiet.

The lighting is an old 500mm (too big) T8 that I had but I will eventually get a small 70watt metal halide so I can get some SPS corals.

Thanks for the nice comments. :mrgreen: