

New Member
In my 40 gallon I have some rics. Really big and beautiful rics. The problem is I have upwards of 7 or 8 or 9 on a rock 1/2 the size of a golf ball. It's epoxied onto my LR and now I'm starting to wonder if I can't frag them and space them out to give them more breathing room. They are in a constant state of split, depending on how much I feed them and they have actually dropped 1 baby so far in the last year.

Is the best thing to do is to piss 'em off so they shrivel up and then take a hammer & chisel to break the rock up? What happens if one tears? I highly doubt I can split the rock without tearing a ric due to the density they occupy on the rock. I've seen my other shrooms move but these guys stay put. Any ideas?


New Member
ive heard that they can be fragged the same way as regular shrooms... i had a bunch of success with my green shroom recently because its base was attached to 2 different rocks and i just split it down the middle and seperated the rocks... i bet if you cut one down the center and then chisel the rock in half between the two halfs they would not only stay stuck, but heal into 2 identical rics... lather, rinse, and repeat until you have the number of rocks you want where you want them... but i would try it with one first and wait a few weeks to watch the healing process... as skip says HTH


New Member
You can also try to slice the crown off and vail to some rubble. The tissue left on the rock will heal and regrow. I've scraped one off of a rock and divided it then with success as well.


New Member
I had one and it had three centers I fragged one because it was on a seperate piece of rock split it right between the two centers and it was opening the next day and that was a month ago I just had a guy want it so I traded for a pulsing zexina then tonight I just fragged the remaining two head and they both seem to be doing great so far.