Frag Swap


New Member
There have been frag swaps on other forums among paired up members. Can we possibly do something among us here at NanoTank? Just an idea.


New Member
I like the idea a lot. Describe what exactly you're wanting to do in detail.

I like the thermos trading idea because its so inexpensive. Especially here in Texas and the south where the weather is perfect for live shipping before it gets too cold.


New Member
Well, anyone that wants to get in can send a PM to whoever handles the details to get matched up with a random partner. Thermos trading is very inexpensive compared to UPS/FEDEX. I think it will all go well as long as someone isn't expecting something expensive, or they don't get anything brown :lol: .


New Member
Yeah, maybe we could make a post of Frags for Sale/Trade and Frags Wanted. Then members could post photos of their frags and eveyone can PM or reply and make a deal.


New Member
Well I woldn't mind thinking about doing this kind of thing, except I don't have much to trade yet. And kinda picky about what all I go after.

But as I do get some thigns growing out, yes I would be interested in this kind of thing. Since the LFS can be limited some times.
