Frag Fun at JohnandDawns


New Member
Hi Fish People!

I got home from J&D's house about 1 1/2 hours ago with a fresh load of frags!! FIRST load of frags (not counting my xenia from F&S).

Way cooooool and super nice people! I scored 10 very cool frags at a great price. Thanks so much John & Dawn! A couple of them have started to open already and I can't wait to see how they all look... Oh, that is, if my lovely new HAIR ALGAE doesn't take over the whole tank. That stuff grows amazingly fast. This morning I thought it was kinda pretty, tonight it's grown about an inch and is starting to scare me. Arrrggghhhh!!

Here are a couple of pics, but my photo skills are lacking soooo.... I will post better pics as soon as my batteries recharge...of course they died in the middle of my little photo shoot.

Anyway, suggestions for placement are welcome. Please say hello to my beloved jawfish towards the bottom right of the tank.

Enough babbling - here are a couple pics.




New Member
Update: In the time between when I took these pics and when I actually figured out how to shrink them to post them, nine of my ten new frags (except the tall skinny pink one) opened!!

Thanks again J&D!!

Karen :D


New Member
Just a suggestion, you may want to try a free photo host like to post your pics on the site... it allows you better quality and larger images. Great specimens though...

So how are J&D's tanks in person? I would LOVE to see them in person!



New Member
reefman23 said:
Just a suggestion, you may want to try a free photo host like to post your pics on the site... it allows you better quality and larger images. Great specimens though...

So how are J&D's tanks in person? I would LOVE to see them in person!

J&D's tanks are wayyyy cool in person! I'm a fish person, but they hardly have any fish and I could stare at his 125 for hours given the opp.

I will try photobucket later, but for now....have you had enough? I haven't.




New Member
Really nice frags you got there..... i really hate you for being so close to J&D he is a really nice guy i bought one frag from him then we did a swap and what a nice smooth deal and the colors of his zoas amazing a really nice guy A++


wow karen that was fast and thanks for the kind words - glad to see they opened right up for you. it was nice meeting you and talking tanks last night - and it's really neat to put a face and a personality to the people you meet on the board.
really like your new aquascape, much more "roomy" and that jawfish is really cool
OK a few tips...
algae - do a water change and use the old saltwater in a bucket to scrub the rock off with a toothbrush or something you may have to do this a couple times over the next month or so

candy and hammer - both look nice where you have them - they will both appreciate a light feeding of mysis shrimp early in the morning, use a pipet when the lights just come on and their feeder tenticles are out - about 1x/week

baby plate - keep it on the sand bed, it will also eat mysis, don't put it to close to the jawfishes hole though he may bury it

zoas - up high they like light, and maybe glue them on a rock like we talked about so the snails don't knock them around to much

shrooms - down low kinda protected from current - they expand best if they are in very low flow and have to reach a bit for light.

capnella (kenya tree) place it where it gets a pretty good flow of current and maybe toward the back of the tank cause it will get about 4-6 inches tall. your first experince with sofies - they can be finicky if it closes for a day or two don't worry they do that sometimes

and thanks again for stopping by - it was very nice meeting you!!


New Member

I took your advice and cleaned the hair algae off of all of my rock. I did about a 20% water change and also rearranged my corals more in line with your recommendations. (Not enough time to post new pics unfortunately.) The tank looked great for about 2 days and now its already coming back hot 'n' heavy! Would turning the lights off for a day or two help? Or would that hurt my corals (which are all doing great BTW)??

I will test in the morning if I have time, but I suspect my ammonia has spiked.

Input invited!

Karen :neutral:


yea algae is just one of those things we have to deal with especialy in newer tanks (and older neglected tanks like mine :) ), your just going to have to be vigelent for a while and then all of a sudden it will clear up just like the diatoms did
1) feed less for a while say 1 small feeding per day during the week but skip the weekends - my fish at school get this feeding schedule all school year - no probs as long as they are eating when you do feed
2) keep up with the scrubbing and water changes- let the algae grow all week, change a small amount of water on the weekend - i know its unsightly but its growth will pull nutrients out of the water and rock, and as long as you scrub them off in salt water you won't disturb the bacteria in the rock
3) make sure the sponge in the back compartment gets cleaned at least every other day for a while - i think they come with three? just use one at a time
4) you could reduce the photoperiod to about 8 hours a day but algae doesn't need much light and will still grow - but i wouldn't shut off the lights it would take a month for the algae to die off completely
5) maybe try a product like this in the back compartment : ... 004+113805
and don't worry - you will win it just takes time and patience. one other thing - you have extra rock in a bucket right?? research "cooking" live rock and maybe cook that stuff and have it ready to go