flyguys fly 10gallon :)


New Member
First of all i just wanna thank Sadielynn and Jennie for putting up with me through the whole process of settin up my tank :langle thanks ladies


New Member
I would suggest using a site like (free) to host your pics...then you just copy and paste the whateverthenameoftheimageis[IMG] into your thread and the image shows up after you post the thread.

You can also use a site called [url=][/url] to download a free image editor.

those are the two products that I use..both very easy and better than that....FREE!!



New Member
You can also use the attachment feature when you make a post. It limits the size some but still works pretty good.


New Member
Very Nice your water cleared up nicely : now let it cycle for a while test test and test
you will test for the following
NitrAte your cycle will look like this ;
Ammonia will rise then start to fall you want this at 0 before adding anything
NitrIte will rise then start to fall you want this at 0 before adding anything
NitrAe will rise then start to fall this is one that you will want to keep under 20 this can be done with light feedings and water changes
the cycle can last any where from 2-8 weeks so be patient :mrgreen:


New Member
The cycle is the worst part of it all becasue you have to be patient LOL but as others have said it is in your best interest to just sucks doing it :lol:


New Member
AND well the cycle is not the worst thing on this hobby is more painful to be arranging the aquascape and thinking that is never right and keep changing it and more that you do it worst look and lets dont talk about ICK thats another nightmare. :lol: :lol: :lol:

anyways patience and so far so good nice piece of LR.


New Member
How do i kno if my live rock is actually LIVE? it looks pretty dead to me and everything in it looks dead :shock:


New Member
Fly, it is going to look like that for awhile. When we say 'live' it is more in terms of bacteria. This isn't something that you are going to see persay, but its the building block to the reef you are recreating. There is no rule of thumb as to what you are going to see first, every tank is different. Sometimes it pods, sometimes its algea, we're just playing the waiting game to see what YOUR tank is going to show you first.



New Member
Did you get that rock at Petco? It looks like the Walt Smith that they sell there.

Good start...sounds like you got a ton of help from Sadie and Jennie.
