flame angel


New Member
well, about 2 days ago my firefish went carpet surfing i was pretty bummed out. well, now it time to move on i was wondering if i could keep a flame angel in my tank?


#35 TBS LR
2-3" CC
lots of caulerpa
5 red hermits
3 turbos
3 narssarius
1 green brittle star
1 coral banded shrimp
1 lawn mower blenny
1 6-line wrasse

if i can keep a Flame angelfish does anyone have any personality storys or comants about them or feeding tips.


Staff member
I don't have a personal story about one but can tell you if there are corals in the tank there are very few specimans of dwarf angels that are not coral nippers, so they are not idea candidates for a reeftank. Skip :(


New Member
its kinda like a fish and invert only with LR. but there were a few hard corals that came on the LR but i dont take any special care of them.


Staff member
It would probably okay then as long as you don't plan on adding corals in the future.


New Member
Flame angels are known for being very hit-or-miss as to coral nipping. It seems to be a very much an individual by individual trait. That said. A 20 is too small for a flame angel. They just need more swimming room that that.
