

New Member
So I know less fish is better...I have a pearly and a purple firefish. Both are getting along great and feed out in the open together peacefully. For the pearly's sake, I need to make sure I get pretty peaceful fish. I was thinking about two (I feel bad keeping just one clown) clown fish, small juvies and then a citron goby or something. Do you think 5 small fish would work?

Danny :)


New Member
*Lots of words incoming*
I have read here and else where that for a 24g 3-5 fish would be ideal. I personally think that getting to 5 small fish is pushing it but you can compensate by doing more water changes and being vigilant with the tests. Also, why would you feel bad for only adding one clown? Depending on which species of clown you pick they can be aggressive. In which case you would only want one because they would definitely pick on each other not to mention the other fish dynamics. If you were going to do clowns stick with the Ocellaris, both black or orange versions would be nice. I would personally go for the black since EVERYONE has the orange Nemo but that is my opinion and they do run a bit more. The only reason that I can think of why you would want to add more than one clown would be to get a mated pair. However, it has been a few years since I read up on these guys and new information could be available or I'm just having a brain fart. Someone else may confirm/deny what I have said about more than one. Anyways, good luck with finding new fish, I find researching half the fun, and post pictures of the new adds.


New Member
Pretty much the same info I came across. Clowns *can* get aggressive during feeding. But the ones mentioned above are about the calmest I know of.


New Member
Yeah I was going to go for tank raised ocellaris clowns (onyx coloration). I am concerned my more docile fish (pearly and clown goby) will be out competed by a pair of clowns though. It sounds silly...but is it ok to just have one clown then? I know some fish do better in pairs and schools, I just always had this impression that they were one of those? I don't want some depressed clownfish, that's not funny to look at, at all!

I've carefully picked fish that cover certain areas, like the pearly burrows, the purple firefish hovers near the lower rocks, and the clown goby perches around the mr. clown would be my "all over and upper area swimmer"...



New Member
good selections and one clown will just as happy as two. (we have a stigma thinking that they of all the fish in the world are the only ones worthy of a mate (LOL! I've been reading quite a few threads at the Aussie site) in the tank... :lol: )