Fish recommendations for 20g nano tank


New Member
I already have one purple firefish and a cleaner shrimp. Want to add atleast one more fish. Preferably colorful, and obviously reef safe. Any suggestions????


New Member
i would definatly go with a sixline wrasse, colorful, energetic, and very reef safe :D , will also get along great with your purple firefish!!


New Member
Hey firefish - that is exactly what I have in my 20 gal right now. One six line and two firefish. Its a great combo and has been working out so far.


New Member
Thanks. The six line seems like a perfect fit for my tank. I've also seen the twelve line wrasse though, any behavioral/personality differences, or is it just that the six line is bigger????


New Member
I don't know about the difference between the 6 and the 12, but our six right now is trying to play big chief in our tank, really picking on our maroon clown.


New Member
Is it becoming a problem?? I'm leaning heavily towards a six line, but i've also got a purple fish(sick right now, see my previous post if you can help)
a percula clown, and a cleaner shrimp. Do you think the six line will cause problems???


New Member
Me either. Mine is a model tank citizen. Just wish he'd eat more flatworms...hehehe :lol:


New Member
Thanks for all the help, unless anyone else has any other suggestions, I'll go saturday and pick up my new six line wrasse.


New Member
Well I have to bring mine back to the store tomorrow.
Ours was a perfect citizen, until we took out our Coral Beauty,
and now it won't quite harassing the maroon.

If you want to take the chance since it would be a total change of settings which might passify it you could. Or I will bring it with me to Kenny's tomorrow when I go to buy a coral.