Fish for my 30G FOWLR


New Member
Hi guys,

I wanted to get another fish for my 30G FOWLR. I have a Maroon Clown and a Six Line Wrasse.

I was going to get another clownfish (a mate for my Maroon Clown) but my tank is two small and if the fish don't get along I have no place to put the other fish.

I am thinking of a Bicolor Blenny. ... ?pCatId=66

Or a Yellow Watchman Goby. ... pCatId=228

Would this be a good choice for my 30G FOWLR tank? Are these fish hard to take care of?

Thanks for all of your help,



New Member
I am not real sure on the bicolor , but I do believe they need a deep(er) sand bed .
As for the yellow watchman , that would be a good choice with very little bioload, however people are having problems keeping them , I think that this is due to the way in which they are captured , if they are captured with cyanide they will eventually die , basically it is hit or miss if you will get one that was captured that way. What the cyanide does is it messes with their digestive track and erodes it away so while they are eating or appear to eat they can not digest it and they eventually starve .... As mentioned earlier in one of your post you could add another maroon clown of the same species , and smaller (if you upgrade the size tank in the near future ) and maybe ok in doing so . Hope this helps you out some on your decision of a fish :mrgreen:


Staff member
The only problems I have heard about were with the yellow CLOWN gobies not the yellow WATCHMAN gobies.

A YWG would be a good addition IMO, especially if you were to pair it up with a pistol shrimp. I am not sure if I would try the bi-color since they have a mixed reputation in regards to inverts (I like to keep shrimp too much to risk it). Most of the watchman gobies will pair up with a pistol shrimp and the goby/pistol pair is pretty interesting to watch and see their interaction. HTH, SKip


New Member
I was under the impression that it was most all gobies . Our stores here had a run on bad gobies where they were all dying out . But you are absolutely right it is the clown gobies that were talked about here and not the watch man :oops:
I apologize for the misinformation . Skip thank your for pointing that out :oops: :oops: :oops:


New Member

Thanks for the info Guys,

I am going to pick up an YWG this weekend. Is there any thing I should know about pistol shrimp? I have a cleaner shrimp, a Saron Shrimp and a peppermint shrimp in that tank. Are they all going to get along with a pistol shrimp?

They drug the fish that does not sound good. Do poor drugs into the ocean to make it easer to catch the fish? That has to be bad for the environment.



Sugar Magnolia

New Member
You'll like the YWG. Iv'e had mine for about 3 years now. Great fish!

Sadie, Bi-color blennies could care less about how deep the sand bed is. They are primarily a perching fish, not a sand dwelling fish. You may be think about jawfish. They need a 4" or deeper sand bed.


New Member
Hi guys,

My Orange Spotted Goby does not seem to eat much. Does anyone have one? What are you feeding them? I have tried Flakes, pellets and frozen shrimp. He does not seem to go after the food much. I had him for over a week so I guess he must be eating something. I have him in my 2.5G I was going to transfer him to my 10G (see if he is happier in there) but my clownfish in there eats real fast and he might not get any food at all.




New Member
sadielynn said:
man I was way off in this post wasent I sorry for the misinformation , Sugar I was thinking of the jaw fish :oops: :oops:
poor sadie, I wish I would have chimed in earlier.....I own the bi color, and as sugar magnolia says, he just loves to perch up on the rocks, and doesn't care for the sand.

maybe you are just tired today Sadie...yeah that must be it :happy001:

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, see ya :)