

New Member
I have a 12g nano and had a question about the filtration system. I've seen people say take out the sponges, leave them in, take out the balls, leave them in, so on and so forth. I currently have 2 sponges in, the bio balls, ceramic, and the carbon. I monitor my levels every week and haven't had a problem yet. Is there an advantage to removing some of these things or not. Also if you do leave them in, what is the best way to clean them. Thanks.


New Member
I had a similar question regarding my filtration system. If you have live rock and deep sandbed then it might be a good idea to remove the biofilter component of your external/internal mechanical system. Reason: Rapid conversion of NH4+ to nitrites and then nitrates. Nitrates are produced way too fast and consumed too slowly, thus your tank never reaches a steady state. Nitrate levels will just keep rising, being produced faster than consumed and may overwhelm your tank.


New Member
well the main porpuse of the rings and bioballs are to be home of good bacteria but at the sime take is amonia and nitrate factory cause is not natural and alot of stuff gets stuck in there and we say to take them out cause that reason and Live rock works better and will reproduce more good bacteriat than stupid plastic and rings...... and also we say dont use that carbon cause is cheap thing so thats why we used one of the best carbons that is Chemi pure know the best for the best...... and about building alot of nitrates and all that and really slow process by braking it is cause your tank really needs to mature to be able to handle the load of your tank but common causes of high amonia and nitrates is over stocking with fish and over feeding so if you cut does things your system will be able to brakedown you nitrates will be stable...and in nano cubes the only thing you have to clean are the sponges so thats why we say keep a pair out and other in so you wash first pair and put the extra in the system and so on so there is alwas a pair clean and ready to be replace and they let the other pair dry so you can be sure that you aren't introducing any toxics to the tank with the tap water that you used to wash the sponges.... i think that about it...


New Member
If you have live rock and a sand substrate (It will eventually become live from the rock, just give it time) then you would be better off getting rid of the bio balls and ceramic, just don't take them all out at once IMO. Take out a third or so every week and then add in live rock rubble instead. You can then put in Chemi pure carbon and maybe a phosphate sponge as needed. As far as sponges I've heard alot on both sides of the story so keep them in if you want just make sure to clean them often. HTH.



New Member
Yeh, you can use sponges, but clean them every 3 days or so. also, if you add live rock rubble, make sure that it is FULLY cured or else it could cause some problems.
