

New Member
Hello guys and gals. It's been a few weeks since my tank has been up (3 weeks with the sand, a week with the LR). I seem to have quite an amount of fine, silty particles that have settled on my LR. I recently repositioned my powerheads and they became resuspended in the water column. Is it advisable to get a HOB filter, or would this just be a waste of money. I've read somewhere that eventually the particles will become heavier as they become coated with beneficial microbes, but... I don't know if that's truly possible. Please correct me if I'm wron, but I think the weight of the microbial mas would be negligible, especially on these particles. Also, I don't seem to have started any cycle as my NH3 indicator is still reading in the safe level. Maybe it's too early and the levels haven't reached the detectable peak yet?


New Member
Was the rock that you added last week cured?

The silt will settle with time, I know that sounds lame, but it will. :mrgreen: