Filtration for my little ocean :)


New Member

Im new to these forums and need some advise :alice

I have a 12 gallon JBJ nano reef tank, its been running for about a week now, i currently have 2 turbos,3hermits and one shrimp (cleaner).

I looked at the provided filtration and found out that it is no where near good enough to house a reef tank. Like seriously, 2 sponges in first chamber then it goes through bio balls and ceramic rings then another sponge... :anxious ( im currently doing a 3 day black out to get rid of all the hair algae .) I dont think it will harm my inverts, i will still feed them

PLease give me some advise on the following.

One bag of purigen as i hear it is great for cutting down on nitrates,ammonia,nitrites.

Chemi-pure as i have read that this stuff is great for getting rid of PO4

Aswell as a bag of active carbon

X1 bottle of purple up!! ( i love this stuff)

with all this im going to get a crab as well as 2 clowns

What do u think? Would you use chemi pure? do you recommend anything els?

So my final plan is...

FIrst chamber ill have one big sponge to get rid of all debris, then ill have a bag of chemi pure (It will only get rid of PO4 so it wont starve my biological filtration system of nutrients) then if there is enough space ill add a bag of active carbon to get rid of organics.

Now in the second chamber i put 2 pounds of LR that has been broken into little bits, on top of that then ill have my bag of purigen.

THis leaves my 3rd chamber empty... :(

Maby ill change it into a nutrient export and add some cheto with and underwater light :")

What do you guys think, what would you remove? what will you add?