Fiddling around..some pics around my tank. 24NCDX


New Member

Lenny! He's my bicolored blenny that has tons of personality. His sits on that ricordia 99% of the time....almost like he's hosting it :)

Emerald grab that I removed last week...he's gotten too big and was becoming aggressive...still cool though.

Close up.....can anyone tell me what coral this is?

I glass has a bit o algae on it...what's type of coral's this?

Sugar, my starfish

She's rarely ever out and on the glass...I couldnt resist!

Macro shot of Sug...


New Member
Great shots! The first coral looks like a flowerpot and the second you were asking about looks like button poylps.



yep - sorry but the first is a flower pot and the second likely parazoanthis ie button polyps


New Member
Yeah they are really nice shots and great macro too really clear and crispy .. :lol:... make it simple 2nd question: YELLOW POLYPS :razz: :lol:

also for how long have you been keeping that blue sponge ..the color is stunning im thinking to get one.... :???:


New Member
I have had the sponge a little over a month's doing great. I LOVE the color of's really a stunning purple/blue color, and really catch's the eye. Blue's my favorite color (any blue thats found naturally in the ocean). Pretty blue water will make me MELT...I LOVE IT.

It's a easy keeper and I use live PhycoPure to feed it. It has grown a bit, and in the sponges middle it hosts a couple of those mini brittle stars.