feeding polyps---mushrooms


New Member
i was curious in knowing if everyone feeds there polyps mushrooms?
i never fed mine anything-should i be feeding them something specific?


New Member
i feed my button polyps mysis shrimp and they also eat cycloo-ezz. i just dump the food in front of my powerheads and let nature take i ts place.....well kind of.

as for any of my shrooms i have only seen one of them eat some mysis shrimp. my shroom was folded up like a cup and some shrimp settled in and then it was gone....


most polyps do not need direct feeding, but may accept it.
discosoma shrooms generally do not feed, but rather mostly on absoption, incidental capture on their surface. Rhodactis, Amplexis shrooms can and do eat (may even eat an unweary fish) but I do not directly feed mine and they do just fine, you could feed them if you want.


New Member
A decent general rule is smooth mushrooms don't really benefit from target feeding. Mushrooms with elongated projections, ricordias, hairy, etc... will benefit from meaty food, but will usually do fine without target feeding. I only target feed them if they're very small. Or just split from another one.

The only polyps I normally target feed are my sun polyps. Or again if I have small frags of zoos, then I'll try to use a turkey baster to spray food directly over them.



New Member
i wasn't aware zoos or button polyps (same thing right??) eat when target fed, they look so smooth and not the type, but I do notice they close up, but that when something touches it. I feed my tank all the time, it's hard to say whether they eat the stuff I put in there. Maybe they do, and I just dont notice?? hmm....

I do have a recent small head of a florida ric, so I take it I should feed it something meaty until it grows bigger??


I don't target feed my rics either, but although Ihave many other shrooms I'm new to rics, I've only had them a couple months, but they seem to be growing without feeding. ????????????


New Member
johnanddawn said:
I don't target feed my rics either, but although Ihave many other shrooms I'm new to rics, I've only had them a couple months, but they seem to be growing without feeding. ????????????
I wouldn't imagine feeding them either, they seem to just thrive off the lights and nutrients found in the water. My bro would know for sure, he has some nice big rics that are doing quite well...I believe they may have already started splitting...


New Member
All I know is that my green hairy shrooms are absolute pigs! I used to place a tiny bit of scallop on top of them and they would eat it right up. I guess thats why mine have split 3 or 4 times :mrgreen:


New Member
My green hairy shrooms beg every couple weeks at feeding time for the fish. Seen a blue hairy shroom on sale, on line. Thinking about getting it, if only the shipping was on sale too! It's not easy being a miser.


New Member
Chubosco said:
My green hairy shrooms beg every couple weeks at feeding time for the fish. Seen a blue hairy shroom on sale, on line. Thinking about getting it, if only the shipping was on sale too! It's not easy being a miser.
blue hairy mushroom? Link me, would like to see the coloration as opposed to seeing the common brown and green.


I have some purple rhodactis (blue hairy shrooms) - they were sold to me as tonga blues (Rhodactus inchoata) but quickly turned a true purple - I don't feed them and I've gone from about 4 tiny ones to 8, 3"ers and a couple of frags. I also have green amplexis (i believe??) that I've never directly feed that have tripled in size and I have a couple frags from them also. I think they get what they need from the tank but sup feeding can't hurt if they take it and it doesn't cause other probs in the tank - I think this is one of those things - if it works for you....................


New Member
Yeah the ones in the above pic are common, the ones in the bottom are straight tight. purple or blue, they still rock, and I'd love to add them to my tank :)