equipment setup


New Member
I need to make a decision on what to do. right now im using a 10 gallon tank with baffles for a sump. Problem is its so big it takes up the whole bottom of my stand not leaving room for a HOB skimmer or in sump skimmer, phosban reactor and any other equipment. the sump is currently my refugium. I dont want much hanging on my tank. So here are my choices:
1 - dont run a skimmer or phosban reactor
2- rebuild custom sump that is taller for more water volume and possible not as long for a skimmer and phosban.
3 - make the current refugium into a sump and a small area for macro only in the bottom.
4 - make a custom sump for a skimmer and other equipment and a HOB refugim for half of the tank. this way i will only have a tube feeding the HOB refugium.


Staff member
Without knowing how much room you have available I have a couple of ideas for you to ponder. First would be to make a new sump using a 15 gallon high tank with a baffle on the intake side that would keep the water near the top of the tank, here you could hang a HO skimmer. Another option like you already mentioned would be to make a custom sump but I think that it would be hard to design one that would have space for everything you want to put in the sump.
A few questions that may be of some help are what do you want a refugium for? Nutrient reduction? Pod production?
Do you really need a phosban reactor? I would think that you shouldn't habe any phosphate problems as long as you are using RO/DI water with a properly maintained RO unit.


New Member
I have very little phosphates. If you dont know any food you add to your tank will have phosphates in it. the reactor will get rid of this. my stand is built for a 20L. it fits a 10 gallon tank plus a extra inch on each side (2" total extra) im currently redoing the stand and moving the 2x4s to the outside of the frame so i have another 2" on each side. if i custom build the sump im doing it my self.
The refugium is for extra nutrient export. I feed my corals alot. Im intrestead in fast growth.

drty - thats one nice filter. whats the total dimensions?


New Member
24lx12 1/2wx12h????? its a 15gallon reg. im going to building a bigger one for the 75g. i think im going with a thirty gal. its taller and long. my buddy wants more volume and bigger fuge, so im in the process of designing.