Dwarf Seahorses


New Member
Hi Guys,

I want to buy some Dwarf Seahorses (H. zosterae) I can not find them anywhere. I live in Canada but I will pay for shipping.




Staff member
You may also want to try and make a similar post over at www.seahorse.org , there may be someone in Canada that has some for sale/trade. Good luck in finding these little guys.


New Member
Hi guys,

I think you a have to have a business export permit to ship livestock to Canada and it cost a business a lot of money to get that. I might have better luck with one of you guys buying them for me and shipping them as a gift. I am not too sure how that work I can find out. liveaquaria.com can not even sell me livestock.

I have posted at http://www.seahorse.org/ and 10 other boards.




New Member
Dickie52 said:
another shot for Ed's wallpaper..... :pom

Thx so much dickie im :loveface :loveface your pics really and on monday when i get to work ill add that picture the the other 2 that are together now ..... really great pics....still cant believe that you dont have them anymore...


New Member
:lol: :lol: one cause im putting all the the horsyz pic together so i can enjoy them at once and well i ramdom them with other macro of dickie... :lol3:


New Member
Good news guys, :bouncing:

I think my LFS is going to be able to bring me a few in I will find out in a week or so after my trip to Mexico.

Thanks for all your help.



New Member
Just remember dwarfs need fed alot out of the day and need live food they will not take to frozen from what I heard when I was researching them :mrgreen:


Staff member
Your right Sadie, they will only accept live food. Baby brine shrimp (BBS) is the right food for these guys, newly hatched is the easiest because they still have their yolksac for nutrition and you can get away with not having to gutload them with supplements and vitamins.