dutch nano girl ;)


New Member
Mabey its a bit stupid to come here when their are a lot of dutch reef forums but..

You guys have much more experience in my eyes.

Before i explain my question (if i talk bad english im sorry for it im not really good at it)

I want to start a nano 7 gallon

you get two 11 watt lighting and a intern filter.
The intern filter can be removed.

Now my real question do you guys use old tank water from a bigger tank at your place or new osmose water with salt ?

And my other question is do i need to use a "skimmer"?

I dont wanna have fish only zoa's and other corals.

Because in the netherlands we dont have much nano tank quipment i ask you guys whats the best thing to do ;). Before i go buy stuff.

Thanks for helping me so far you guys can help



New Member
welcome to nanotank. you have definitly come to the right place.

not sure about the tank and its set-up, never have seen it before. if you have a link to the set-up, we can let you know if its good or not.

for the water most of us use RO/DI water w/ salt, in a pinch you could use water from a larger tank. wouldnt recommend it though. they also have saltwater already mixed that you can buy.

hope all this helps, and happy reefing


New Member
haha you guys say exactly the other answer the dutch people give me the say use old tank water. Thats why i whas confused.

I want to try to use osmose and then mix it with salt.

you got lucky about the link i found one thats english ;)


Most people in the netherlands use this typ of tank to make it into a nano, because we really dont have other tanks to make a nano off ;)


ps im not so good in english whats RO/DI water thats osmose water i think ?


New Member
well i couldnt find anything on the lighting , regarding the specs on the bulb. couldnt find the kalvin rating for the bulb, which is the wave lengths that are nessessary for corals.

the filter will be fine but IMO(in my opinion) i woiuld try to find a filter that hangs off the back of the tank instead of in it.

you dont need a skimmer if you keep up with regular water changes.

RO/DI is what you call osmose water


New Member
:welcome to nanotank.

Of what i could find out by this link: http://www.gartentotal.de/product_info. ... ts_id=1092

Is that the tank you choising comes with one bulb as we called daylight pure white, so with that kinda light you wont be able to keep any kind of zoas or other softies u might but the colors will be really dull and dark and you'll have to add some Phyto of some kind to give them other way of food.

other same tank from same brand is the AQUA-65 http://www.paraquatics.co.uk/en-gb/dept_152.html

sounds like a better idea if you could find a 50/50 bulbs and put them instead of those that comes with the unit... or keep one of those and get one bulb blue (actinic) and also filtration media in AQUA 65 SOUNDS BETTER..

and well using water from a bigger tank i dont think so only to start your cycle maybe but not for weekle water changes cause wont be as called fresh :lol:...so is better to get mixed water from your local fish store and do your weekly water changes or also you can get some RO water used for freshwater fish and add marine salt and mix it following instructions of course bur in my opinion just get the water that is already mixed. :D

No need of skimmer if you keep your weekly water changes but if you have to dont be a bad idea.

ok hope this help alittle :oops:


New Member
Thanks for all the answers ;)

We dont really have a local fish store nearby with saltwater so im going to make my own salt water. And with the aqua 65 yes if thats a better option i go with that one.

But in the netherlands the think like bigger filtration and bigger tanks are better then the small ones so their arent much small filter for the back of an tank so i think i need to make one of my own.

But thanks for all the answers.



New Member
Drs. Foster and Smith (http://www.drsfostersmith.com) is an outstanding store. They do ship international but not sure what restrictions they have. They say to call them and they will quote shipping costs, prices, or whatever. You may be able to buy an all in one system like JBJ Nanocube or Current Aquapod. Since you have no local fish stores this may be your best bet.


New Member
overshiping is like 15 euro (or more).
But i found a job at a local internet company so i get money.


I found something else intresting its hang on filters.

Aquael Extern hang on 100

All-in-one economisch extern filter system.
- soundless.
- simple maintenence
- long: 13 cm. wide: 10,5 cm. high: 15 cm.
- for tanks 21 till 31 gallons
- capasity 13-105 gallons a hour
- usses 4 watt.

Is this extern filter better then the filter thats already with the tank (intern)


ps i go check the Mister Foster website ;)


New Member
well shipping is not really a option this is the answer of the lady that helpt me answer my question at the live chatting room. The shipping charge alone for that item would be $241.19.

Well thats a bit to much for 1 nano cube.

So i just go along with the 65 superfish nano



New Member
Cant be that right!!! God if i had the money ill offer to send you one but $$$ is the issue and shipping is not bad to netherland is around $30-40 usps now fedex the best way to ship alittle bit more expensive around $40-60 and a 12g NC is around $150-165... so yeah lol after calculating to total with tank will be kinda expensiver $200 to 230 just for a tank and shipping well if i had no choice ill go for it lol...



New Member
that hang on the back filter would be better than the internal filter, easier to clean and maintain. plus you wouldnt have to disturb the tank inhabitants when cleaning.