Dumb clowns


New Member
Hi guys

Well, the title kinda summarises it.

Went to the LFS (jem aquatics, canberra; australia) and they had nice big long tentacled (3-4") Catalaphyllias (note, cattys here and in singapore are okay, dont get affected by the elegance disease you guys seem to be experiencing). So i told the owner that id take the clowns and the catty if theyd host in the catty. So we tried putting in a pair of CB occys with the cattys for a week; nothing happened (dumb clowns)

Next we put in a small pair of WC western australian (black) clarkiis and (in a seperate tank) a pair of WC honey clowns (akindynos). So i went in today and theyd just cleaned their tanks so the cattys were pretty unhappy.

But i could see the clarkiis were hovering around one particular catty. A guy who worked there said that before he cleaned the tanks the clarkiis were hosting. All good (...so far)

And in the next tank the akindynos were happily hosting; the female actually lay down while the male was swimming frantically (obviously detesting my observing them). One problem - they were hosting some red macroalgae attatched to a bubble coral. (Dumb Clowns)

Anyway, now im not too sure which ones to take

The akindynos pair is gorgeous!!! And they really are hosting the macro (some sort of red ulva thingy).Sigh, will prob go with the akindynos though, therye too cute to resist =p

Which ones should i go for?


New Member
which ever ones that you decide. unfortunitly clown host almost everything. they'll also jump from host to host until they're happy.hope this helps


New Member
If you like the clown pair, just get them. They may or may not host whatever you purchase with them. However if they're looking like they are in the tank at the store, then they're likely to choose something in your tank to host in as long as it's wavy, and large enough for both of them.



New Member

Thanks for hte replies guys.

Yea, i know they tend to change hosts in new environments. I just want them to host SOMETHING doesnt matter much to me =p

I was hoping that since theyre hosting the red algae in the store they should host it at home too; it really is the most adorable thing =p

Lol, incysor, the algae theyre hosting in currently is way too small for them. The female can fit in fine; but that leaves her boyfriend trying to get close to the outer edges. Its so cute.

Oh well, i'll have to go persuade Bob (owner of LFS) to let me break off hte bit with the algae. My tanks just not large enough for another bubble coral of that size. Sigh.

Hope this works =p