Dry Live Sand


New Member
Hello, my Granddsons and I are setting up a 10 gal Nano tank and I noticed that they now have dry Live sand. Any opinons on this? Is the dry better than the wet live sand? Thanks.


New Member
hello! I would be cautious of Dry live sand, as live sand consists of lots of bacteria,pods etc. that need the water to survive, or at least be moist. Are you talking about Arag a Live sand? It is moist with a little bit of water? If so that is ok as I used it to start my reef. If you are just going with dry sand you may need something to help seed the sand once it is added.


New Member
I was refering to a product such as Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Sand.
Or would it be better to order online real live sand.
Thanks for bearing with me.


New Member
Ok, Actually that sand is the sand I used when I started my 5g tank. I didn't have any problems with it, but I also used a small piece of Live rock that I bought from my LFS just to be sure. I thought you were referring to actual dry sand. The Natures Ocean stuff is a little moist in the bag, and some still have a little water in it. And don't worry about asking questions, we all had them when we started, just make sure you have fun setting this up with your grandsons, and take lots of pictures of the process.


New Member
Most higher quality local fish stores would probably be happy to give you a very small amount (half cup or so) of live sand from their tanks. It will be full of good stuff. Go in and ask them :D