Drilling glass


New Member
I know theres stuff out there on how to do it with a dremel. But i cant find it. I tried searching and such and cant find anything. Im looking for a step by step log on how to drill and what tips to use?


New Member
Menards has a set for very cheap too. Just make sure to have water flowing over whereyou are cutting and go slow, let the bit do the work.


New Member
Trogdor said:
Here's a pretty decent tutorial. I was planning on drilling my tank as well but found ways around it. I decided that it was too risky when all of the glass manufacturers wouldn't guarantee that it wouldn't get broken if they drilled it.
That's the pricey way to do it... its about $50+ just for one of those bits.

If you buy a tank that is reef-ready (ie some oceanics etc) they come drilled... its the aftermarket stuff they dont guarantee. If you reinforce the bulkhead area with an extra piece of glass, it is much less likey to break. I "drilled" my own tank with a rotozip... the powerful cousin of the dremel... and it was pretty quick, easy, and my tank hasnt come close to breaking yet.
