Does anyone regret choosing acrylic?


New Member
I am aware of the disadvantages/advantages of both glass AND acrylic, but I wanted to see if anyone out there took the dive into acrylic. Did/do you regret it? Would you suggest it? I ask because while looking into a different tank, I got the itch to try acrylic. It would be a 20g long size. I wil have an in-sump refugium and was just assuming a glass tank with an external overflow would be the easiest option. After thinking it over and researching it, I figured why not just get a tank that is predrilled with an internal overflow? It seems like a bit of a challenge to find predrilled glass tanks smaller than around 50 gallons, not to mention rather expensive. Obviously, acrylic is easier and cheaper to drill.

Anyways, suggestions, tips, regrets?




Staff member
I have a refugium that is acrylic and didn't realize just how easy it is to scratch until I added this refugium. I personally don't think that an acrylic tank would be my first choice. If you buy a smaller glass tank and the bottom is not tempered it can be drilled. Some LFS drill tanks or they may know of someplace to have a tank drilled. I think the LFS can also order a tank predrilled from the factory but I don't know how cost efficient that would be. Good luck, Skip


New Member
I had acrylic a 5 gallon and a 2 gallon
besides the side disadvantage they were scratched in less than 2 months I regreted it because the clairity went down the tube I have all glass tanks now and they scratch to but it is much harder , I would say go with glass . I have seen some nice acrylics out there but I am not sure how they keep them so scratch free . :mrgreen: