Disappearing shrimp


New Member
We bought a fire shrimp to compliment our tank (24 gallon) about 2 months ago. I saw him/her for about 2 days and have yet to see any sign of him. Coincidentally our skunk back is back out in the open quite a bit more now.

Is there anything I can do to find out if he's still alive in there other than camp out all night with a red flash light waiting for him to appear?



New Member
I have had some difiiculty finding a couple of shrimp on a couple of occasions. SOmetimes they take it upon themselves to hide for a while if they are stressed, however a fire shrimp is not hard to find unless there are a million places for him to hide. Check with a flashlight at night. Also, check your sump. Sometimes, they can jump in there, especially if your water levels are high. Other times it means you have to buy a new one. :cry:
PS do you have a power head that might not have a guard on the intake? :???:


New Member
Ah forgot about the sump. The guard should be on the powerhead. Last time we lost our candy hog and he was back there. Lucky we found him when we did.

I'll check tonight.