Desperate appeal


New Member

hi all, sorry it's been a while, just stared classes today (in the library typing this now) and was busy last week at orientation week. for those who cant remember, i'm in ANU in australia.

i went to belconnen (about half an hour by bus cos i dont drive) and the stuff here is damn expensive!!! Banggai cardinals for AUD129, live rock for 15.50 a pound and even damsels for $29!. the pico may take up a little more $$ than i thought. Apart from that, all the LR is HUGE! and when i told the guy there i was gonna set up a tank of about 10 litres (2-3gal); he looked at me as if i was spastic!

Well... at least i found a 2.5gallon glass almost-cube and will get some power compacts and a 25watt heater and a cascade 200 or 300.

Any advice? was thinking of getting either a hammer or bubble frag, something which looks like a brown elegance with tapered tentacles and maybe a candycane. mushrooms here are too expensive $9 a piece and i havent seen sny small leathers or GSP frags.

So finally, this is a desperate appeal to any aussies out there for any frags for sale, i would pay reasonable prices for small frags (it's a pico you see). esp looking for toadstools, GSP, yellow polyps, shrooms and zoos.

To anyone else out there, any info will be appreciated. And, BTW, will start a diary of the pico by next week.

Thanks all.


New Member
Your LFS must sell for a rock for a lot it is 12.99 down her and it is measured in metric so it is Kilo grams and i think there is about 2.2 pounds to a kilo gram