Day 2 of first nano tank


New Member
Day 2 of a new nano tank just added the live rock.
my first ever nano.

just need info on what to add next?


New Member
welcome to nanotank.
well youll want to wait about three weeks for the cycle to finish before you can add anything. keeping your lights off during this period will keep algae growth to a minimal. if you dont have a test kit already, i would get one, and you can always get your LFS (local fish store) to test your water. once your cycle is done and you do a water change, you can add your inhabitants. patience is your best friend and planning ahead. research everything you plan on keeping.
looks like your off to a good start, keep up the good work, and best of luck.
happy reefing


New Member
Welcome to Nanotank anidapee. Your tank is looking great. Is that the stock lighting?

Don't add any more rock. You need room for corals! :lol:


New Member
Tanks now looking busy

Added a few bits now and the tanks looking better. Not adding to much as the live rock is exploding with life and new soft corals.

