andy said:
1) For nano tank - I'd like to do a reef, so upgrading the lighting seems like a must - is it worth buying the 12G deluxe if I'm going to just upgrade the lighting anyways? I couldn't find any other major differences...Also, is nanotuning a solid place for lighting upgrades? I figure maybe 4x 24W (96W) from what I've read would work.
2) For live rock, I found a few LFS's in drivable distance -- Taking your advice incysor, they seem to have LR! Is $3.99 for Fiji a decent price (for local pickup)? I think it may be worth it to reduce the cycle time..
3) Suggested replacement Pumps for the 12G NC? Seems rios 90's have a good rep - what GPH am a I shooting for? Is there such thing as too much (I assume there is..)
4) Last....I feel so embarased asking, but I've been reading these forums for hours a day, and there are 2 terms I just don't get! A frag is stock you swap with others? Where does the name come from if so....And what the heck is a fuge (refugium maybe?) - I've read about 10-15W fuge lights...what the heck is that for.
The 12dx would be fine if you want to keep mushrooms, softies, and some LPS. SPS, clams, and anemones would require modding it to get a lot more light.
$3.99lb for fiji is an excellent price for some areas, standard for others. Another good thing about buying rock from the LFS is that you can hand pick your pieces. This means you can get a more varied mix of shapes and sizes that'll suit your tank.
Rios actually have a pretty crappy rep, especially the larger ones. They can fail, burn out, and leak oil into your system. As long as you can find a similar sized pump with the same output go with another brand. The powerheads I think are fine, but they don't seem as durable as some of the other brands out there.
A frag is generally a small piece of coral that's come from a larger 'mother' colony. Depending on what type of coral you're talking about it can be a piece that naturally split/fell off/etc... Or it can be something that a reefer cut from the larger colony. GSP, xenia, anthelia, are all very common examples that need to be pruned periodically or they'll take over huge sections of your tank.
Fuge, is short for refugium. A refugium has live macro algae growing in it that absorbs nitrates out of the system. Macro algaes are photosynthetic, so they require a light that's suitable just like your photosynthetic corals, or most plants for that matter.