Cycle Question


New Member
My 5 gal Eclipse Hex has been cycling now for 10 days. I used LR, LS and "Real Ocean" water. (it came in a box) When I did my tests today everything was at 0 except for the PH which was at 8.2. This seems really fast to me but I was wondering since it's so small, could it have cycled faster? Should I do a partial water change and can I add the clean up crew yet or should I wait? Thanks for any help.


Active Member

Better to be safe than sorry, I would wait at least two more weeks and check the water parameters once more, if they are still all at zero, then you should be okay.

Live sand, live rock and natural water are all great precusors of a fast cycle but, you never can be too careful in reefing.

The only time you can get started before a month is with BioSpira from Marineland. You can add in fish the next day.

I believe in waiting since your tank will be more mature for your critters.

Don't do any water changes during this time, as you want your tank to cycle quicker, if you do water changes in between you could prolong the wait.

The clean up crew is the best set of critters you can add to a cycled tank to start the break down process.

Then you can start your addition of your corals and your favorite fish.



New Member
Mike, thanks. I kind of figured I needed to wait. So when would be a good time to add the clean up crew? Do the readings all need to be at 0 first?



New Member
Well, everything was at 0. ph 8.2 on Thursday so I took a sample to my lfs and they said I was ready to go so I came home with 5 bluelegged hermits and a snail. This was on Thursday. How sweet they are!! I acclimated them and they all seem to be doing fine. However, I am wondering what they are eating as I have very little algae. I put a tiny bit of goldfish food in there and they seemed to like that. Not sure if that was a wise move.
Also, I noticed the salinity reading was at 1.021 whereas it had been above 1.022 before. Did the addition of the clean up crew or the food change that? I plan on doing my tests this afternoon. Is it wise to do a water change at this time?

Oh forgot to ask, when should I change the blue filter that came with this tank?

There sure is a lot to learn with this hobby. :???: