Cyanbacteria Part 2


New Member
Many thanks to the advice in my previous post from johnanddawn, brandon, skipm and tim.
I'm glad to say that thanks to you guys my tank is almost cleared up. It has been 2 weeks now and just a couple of small places to "suck it off".
This raises the question, where to go from here? I don't want to undo all the good work.

Should I start using the white lights yet or wait a while?

I had a spare (small) power head which I dropped in and aimed at the LR. It spoils the view but seems to help a lot. How do others add an extra PH? Or would it be adequate to change the pump that came with the tank for a higher power one?

As usual I really appreciate all your advice.

Geoff aka Didger


New Member
If you get a small enough PH you can try to hide it behing your rockwork. I forget if you upgraded your pump or not, but more often than not it is better to have two smaller PHs instead of one powerful one IMO.


New Member
Get a rio 50... Worked great in my four gallon tank... Again I forgot what gallon size was your tank. For the lighiting slowly increase it, if you see gowth beginning cut it down but other wise just watch the tank. :mrgreen: