Custom Base/Canopy/Stand


New Member

As you know my pop, Wally's Workshop, makes custom wood furniture. I'm about to put in a request for him to build me a stand for my 35gal. I know that's too large for a nano title, looking at the base and canopy for your tanks, this is something he's more than capable of doing. Something simple like that would be realitively inexpensive and a notch above some store bought stuff.

When I talk to him about my tank, I'll see if he's interested in putting a link up here. I'm supposed to be building him a website for his craft, but have not gotten around to it lately.

This would be of direct benefit to those in the Houston Metro Area who know exactly what they want and are willing to pay for it. The more complicated the design is, the more expensive it will be, same with materials. Since this is a Nano forum, most likely they'll be on the cheaper size due to fewer materials/smaller stands.

Let me know what you think.


New Member
Sounds good Phischy. Just let me know if and how I can help with anything. I'm sure others could benefit from pop's woodworking skills and would be more than willing to pay for it.

I can easily ad a link on my page for him (that is for a few custom canopies of course). hehehe :lol:


New Member
I am building a stand for my 20 now, lets just say it aint right. Pops skills sure would come in handy right now.


New Member
I spoke with Pop's today. He's interested, he's always looking to make sawdust for someone.

I'm currently one month away from finally getting my own apartment. Once I'm in I'm going to send him my spec's for my cabinet stand for a 35gal setup. I explained to him what was involved and I know he's more than capable of building anything in his new workshop (it's something to see, 2,000 sq ft barn specifically built for woodworking). Basically my setup will be the dummy run. And this is good for several reasons for everyone else. The first time is always the longest and thus the most expensive. Once he gets a feel for the structural needs he can then figure his average time (more for more elaborate/furniture grade setups) and he can always figure out materials. So we hope to get some pricing down more solid after he builds mine.

I'm currently buidling a website for his shop and the closer he gets to retiring in the oil biz, the more he's going to be working in his shop.

If anyone is interested in contacting him directly (he's in Katy TX) to either build a stand or canopy let me know. I do suggest waiting until after he's built mine to figure things out, but if you're itching to get something built PM me.